Saturday, August 15, 2009

LPI 102v part_005

041. The command "make config" requires bash.

A. True
B. false

Ans : A

Explanation : The command 'make config' while in /usr/src/linux starts a configure script which asks you many questions. It requires bash, so verify that bash is /bin/bash, /bin/sh, or $BASH.

042. If you need to view per-user space usage on a filesystem, the _____ command can provide that information if the kernel is build to support it.

Ans : du

043. Rate this advice : In order to use the latest kernel, it is necessary to first upgrade to the newest utilities and libraries.

A. True
B. False

Ans : A

Explanation : In order to use the latest kernel, it is first necessary to upgrade to the newest utilities and libraries.

044. What is the name of the Kernel configuration file ? Type just the filename.

Ans : .config

045. GNU Make determines which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled and issues the commands to recompile them when necessary.

A. true
B. false

Ans : A

Explanation : GNU Make is a program that determines which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled and issues the commands to recompile them, when necessary.

046. What does "make bzImage" do as opposed to "make zImage"?

A. make a bz encrypted kernel
B. makes a kernel with a better compression ratio
C. makes a kernel with build in gzip application
D. nothing

Ans : B

047. You have just recompiled a new kernel and rebooted your system with the new kernel. Unfortunately you are getting "Can't locate module" error message. which of the following is most likely to be the source of the problem ?

A. You copied the modules to the worng directory.
B. YOu did not configure modular support into the kernel.
C. You did not run depmod after installing the modules.
D. You did not install the modules

Ans : B

Explanation : If you get two choose - than take D as second answer.

048. When preparing to compile a new kernel, which of the following commands can be used to create the configuration file ?

A. make config
B. make kernel
C. ./configure
D. make kernelconfig
E. [Kernel Source Path]/Configure

Ans : A

049. If your new kernel does not behave normally after a routine kernel upgrade, chances are that you forgot to _____ before compiling the new kernel.

A. make clean
B. make shot
C. make clear
D. make remove

Ans : A

Explanation : If your new kernel does really weird things after a routine kernel upgrade, chances are you forgot to make clean before compiling the new kernel. Symptoms can be anything from your system outright crashing, strange I/O problems, to crummy performance. Make sure you do a make dep, too.

050. Upgrading a kernel involves which of the following tasks (choose all that apply):

A. configuring the desired modules
B. compiling the kernel and modules
C. installing the kernel image
D. conducting a system reboot

Ans : ABCD

Explanation : Upgrading the kernel involves configuring desired modules, compiling the kernel and modules, and finally installing the kernel image. This is followed by a system reboot (with fingers crossed !) to load the new kernel. All of this is documented in the ''README'' file which comes with each kernel package. Further information can be found in the 'Documentation/'' subdirectory. A particularly helpful file there is '''' which contains detailed information on the available kernel compile options and modules.

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