Saturday, August 15, 2009

LPI 102v part_007

061. You are working on a non graphical shell. What command would you use to configure the kernel using a menu system. Type the command and its argument(s).

Ans : make menuconfig

Explanation : They clearly state that this is a non graphical shell. Thus, you couldn't use the make xconfig utility here. The only way to accomplish configuring the kernel through a menu without the GUI is make menuconfig.

062. Which of the following correctly describe a Monolithic Kernel (choose all that apply ) :

A. it is built into one single binary.
B. it is loaded completely into memory at boot time.
C. it pre-dates micro-kernel architecture by at least ten years.
D. None of the choices

Ans : ABC

Explanation : Have everything they need in that binary. Are loaded completely into memory at boot time. Pre-date micro-kernel architecture by at least ten years.

063. Which of the following correctly describe a micro-kernal architecture (choose all that apply):

A. it has an extremely small core
B. only its small core remains in memory at all times.
C. its device drivers are loaded as-needed
D. None of the choices

Ans : ABC

Explanation : Miro-kernel architectures : Have an extremely small core. Only the small core remains in memory at all times. Device drivers and other additional items are loaded as-needed.

064. Rate this comment : Linux by and large is monolithic.

A. true
B. false

Ans : A

Explanation : Linux by and large is monolithic. However, Linux permits modules, a system whereby certain parts of the kernel may be loaded at runtime. Linux modules are reminiscent of micro-kernel architecture, but linux really remains basically a monolithic architecture.

065. On a debian system which of the following would build a boot disk

A. mkboot /dev/floopy
B. makeboot --device /dev/fd0 2.4.18-12
C. mkboot --device /dev/fd0 2.4.18-12
D. mkboot /boot/vmlinux-2.4.18-12
E. mkbootdisk /boot/vmlinux-2.4.18-12

Ans : D

066. On a Red Hat system, with a single floppy drive and a returned output from the uname command of 2.4.20-12, what exact command string will create a customized boot disk for this system ? Type the full command string to accomplish this.

Ans. mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 2.4.20-12

067. On a Debian-based system, what command will create a boot disk on the first floppy if your kernel image is named "vmlinux-2.4.18-4" ? Type the full command string to accomplish this.

Ans : mkboot vmlinux-2.4.18-4
or mkboot /boot/vmlinux-2.4.18-4

068. You want to create a boot floppy using a given image file on your hard disk. What utility would you use to do so ?

Ans : mkbootdisk --device /dev/fd0 `uname -r`

069. To exclude all log messages of a given logging facility, you should use a logging priority of :

Ans : none

070. You are having some trouble with a disk partition and you need to do maintenance on this partition but your users home directories are on it and several are logged in. Which command would disconnect the users and allow you to safely execute maintenance tasks ?

A. telinit 1
B. shutdown -r now
C. killall -9 inetd
D. /bin/netshop --maint
E. /etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop

Ans : E

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